Hydraulic Timing Chain Tensioner SR400 SR500 TT500 XT500
Installation Procedure
* remove the complete OEM chain tensioner
* install the hydraulic tensioner like the OEM one. The adjustment is similar: the center bolt has to line up precisely with the housing.
NOTE: by touching the rail screwing on becomes more tougher because of the damping. This is quite normal.
* when used in combination with a new tensioner rail the tensioner itself has to be compressed before mounting (due to the length of the thread).
It is recommended to use a hairdryer to heat up the tensioner up to 40°C/104°F for thinning the oil.
* the center bolt can disappear up to 6mm/0.24inch in its housing without affecting its function.
* tighten the locknut (40Nm)
* adjustment of tensioner: every 200.000 km / 125.000 miles